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Disappointment yet continued determination from our inspiring Izzy Lenga

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Disappointment yet continued determination from our inspiring Izzy Lenga

After a hard fought campaign, Izzy Lenga was sadly not re-elected as NUS Vice President (Welfare). Next year’s NUS Vice President (Welfare) will be Eva Crossan-Jory, current president at Goldsmiths Students’ Union.

In her time in office so far, Izzy has courageously tackled antisemitism and discrimination on campus, made significant strides in mental health awareness, and secured huge gains for affordable and habitable student housing. Izzy has another two months in office and we are determined to support her as she continues her dedicated work to advance the welfare of all students.

Izzy has achieved vast amounts on behalf of Jewish students and students from all faiths, backgrounds and cultures, as Vice President (Welfare) and in her previous roles on NUS NEC, as the Education Officer at the University of Birmingham Guild of Students, and as a Campaigns Officer for Birmingham J-Soc.

This is also an appropriate time to recognize how Izzy has been an outstanding and committed member of the Jewish student community for many years. Izzy’s tenure at NUS has acted as a catalyst to empower other Jewish students to run for leadership roles throughout the country.

Campaigns Manager Liron Velleman spoke proudly: “Izzy has inspired numerous other Jewish students to run for leadership positions, both in their students’ unions and nationally, which is just one part of a wonderful legacy Izzy leaves behind as she completes her leadership within the student movement. We wish Izzy every success in the future and would like to thank her for her exceptional hard work and dedication to the student movement over the past five years.”

Izzy was elected as Vice President (Welfare) in April 2017 and previously sat on the NUS National Executive Council (NEC) for two years (2015-2017). She was also previously Education Officer at Birmingham Guild of Students (2015-2016).

Click here for a round up of Jewish student activism at NUS conference 2018

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