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I can't believe it's over

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I can't believe it's over

I can’t quite believe that my time as a J-Soc Officer at UJS is now over.My involvement in UJS started in my first year when Ella Rose became my J-Soc Mum and then announced that she was running to be the next UJS President. Not really understanding what was going on, I was launched into the crazy world of UJS and ended up campaigning for this fantastic woman to be president.

After she won, she managed to persuade me to run to be on the Advisory Board of National Council. I just saw this as a way to see Ella more as she wasn’t at uni anymore and to maybe add something more than being on J-Soc committee to my CV. Little did I know that from that I would become the Student Trustee on the Trustee Board and develop such a love for this organisation. So of course I ended up in a job here, working with my favourite aspect of the organisation- the J-Socs.

I’m not going to pretend that this year has been plain sailing. It has definitely tested me to my limits in terms of patience, learning to work with lots of new people and generally not being overwhelmed by situations (my biggest challenge). However, I like to think that these speed bumps have helped me to grow as a person and as a leader, to make me better at my job and to help me in the future.

Getting to know new people is what I thought would have been my biggest challenge, but turned out to be what I enjoyed most. Eleven J-Socs to look after (some of which swapped half way through) and I like to think I have built a relationship with every member of each of my committees. I’ve had conversations with hundreds of new people, something that I saw as impossible when my social anxiety was at its most crippling.

Working with the team has also been incredible. I never thought I could laugh so much in an office. On those days when you’re stressed, there will always be someone to help out or to make you laugh and make you realise why you’re doing what you’re doing. There have also been a lot of mad moments of delirium and general craziness and I’ll miss everyone and coming into the office everyday so much.

So I think that’s all from me, hopefully this hasn’t been too soppy and unreadable, see you all around.

Louise xoxo


Louise Cohen

J-Soc Officer 2016-17

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