Upcoming Events

Pride T-Shirts

UJS are so excited to sell Pride T-shirts! Sizes range from Medium-XXL. The profits will be split between Keshet UK and UJS' LGBTQ+ work.

UJS Pride T-shirts can be worn at Pride Parades, on campus, and anywhere you want to express your UJS Pride! 

Whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or an ally, get you T-shirt now while stocks last.

Happy Pride!


You can either collect your T-shirt from Golders Green, or pay the £2 delivery fee (delivery to UK and NI only).

After your purchase, a member of the UJS team will be in touch to confirm delivery address, or when your T-shirt is available for collection.

Get your T-Shirt now!

£25.00 Make a £25 donation
£10.00 Make a £10 donation
£10.00 Buy 1 t-shirt (Size M)
£10.00 Buy 1 t-shirt (Size XL)
£10.00 Buy 1 t-shirt (Size L)
£10.00 Buy 1 t-shirt (Size XXL)
£5.00 Make a £5 donation
£2.00 Delivery Fee
Compulsory if T-shirt is being delivered to your address

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