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PRESS RELEASE: UJS Demands Swift and Decisive Action From University Vice-Chancellors at Downing Street Round Table.

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PRESS RELEASE: UJS Demands Swift and Decisive Action From University Vice-Chancellors at Downing Street Round Table.

PRESS RELEASE: UJS Demands Swift and Decisive Action From University Vice-Chancellors at Downing Street Round Table.

This morning, the Union of Jewish Students met with Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, and university Vice-Chancellors for a roundtable discussion about rising campus antisemitism.

Prior to the roundtable, UJS and CST held a private meeting with the PM. UJS expressed their gratitude for the Government’s support for Jewish students but raised concerns surrounding the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act. The Prime Minister acknowledged UJS’ concerns, and senior ministers agreed to consider the Office for Students’ approach to regulation of campus free speech.

The Prime Minister welcomed Vice-Chancellors to the roundtable before UJS presented about the Jewish student experience and actions that can be taken to support Jewish students.

After UJS’ presentation, Vice-Chancellors reflected on their responsibility to combat antisemitism and campus extremism. Vice-Chancellors shared best practice in this area, including through communicating with elected Jewish student leaders, fostering Jewish life on campus, and establishing red lines with protest organisers. Vice-Chancellors thanked UJS for their advocacy and representation on Jewish students’ behalf, and their provision of antisemitism awareness training to thousands of campus leaders annually.

UJS President Edward Isaacs said

“Today’s roundtable should be a wake up call to Vice-Chancellors across the UK. We have entered a new normal but an unacceptable normal- antisemitism has reached an all time high on campus.

Following this meeting, Vice-Chancellors must deliver swift and decisive action to safeguard Jewish life on campus.”

A copy of UJS President Edward Isaacs’ and UJS Head of Campaigns Guy Dabby-Joory’s speech to the roundtable can be found here.

At the roundtable UJS made the following demands of university Vice-Chancellors:

  • Communication with elected JSoc Leaders
  • Condemnation of antisemitism and hateful extremism
  • Collaboration with police forces in the event of criminal activity
  • Reassertion and Utilisation of the IHRA definition of antisemitism
  • Education about antisemitism via UJS training


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