Approx. Jewish Students on Campus: 10+
In the small University and Seaside Town of Aberystwyth, AberJSoc is the heart and soul of Jewish student life. Founded in October 2023, and winning the award for Best New Society 2023-24 from the Aber Students’ Union, we’re in our 2nd year of being the social, cultural, and religious home of Jewish students in Aberystwyth! We’re committed to supporting Jewish life, tackling antisemitism, and developing our community on campus.
Last year (our first year!), we got together for bi-weekly Kabbalat Shabbat / Friday Night Dinners, organised events for Hanukkah, Purim, Passover, and more, raised thousands for Charity both independently and in partnership with the Aber Islamic Society, had Movie Nights, made Tzedakha, travelled to Cardiff for a joint Shabbat Dinner with Cardiff JSoc and Swansea JSoc, AND attended various UJS events! We’re very excited to be going into 2024-25 with a reputation to live up to, and if you’re coming to / are in Aberystwyth, come join us!
Campus Notes
Aberystwyth is a University town on Cardigan Bay on the west coast of Wales. From Constitution Hill, scaled by the Aberystwyth Cliff Railway, to the Pier in the North, all the way to the sandy beach in the South, the vibrant and student-centric life in Aberystwyth is surrounded by beautiful scenery: mountains, the sea, valleys, etc. Aberystwyth is the unofficial capital of Mid Wales, and boasts the National Library of Wales, partly responsible for Aberystwyth having the highest book:person ratio in the world, with over 8 million books, and less than 30,000 people including students! It’s a major educational location thanks to Aberystwyth University, the Welsh University of the Year, Top in Wales and 3rd in the UK for Teaching Quality, Top in Wales and 2nd in the UK for Student Satisfaction, Top in the UK for Student Life, and Top 3 in the UK for University of the Year 2023.
Kosher Food & Accommodation
There are no kosher shops and a very limited number of kosher products in the local Supermarkets. We rely primarily on Online Stores for authentic Jewish ingredients, food, misc. products, etc.
Social Media
Instagram - @aberjsoc
Get in touch on Insta to be added to our WhatsApp Group!
The sabbatical officer for Aberystwyth is Rebecca.