Managing your finances is a major part of student life. On this page you will find invaluable advice on how the new student finance system works as well as information about the Student Welfare Fund. Please note that the information below is only correct for UK students (and even then, the situation varies between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). If you are from abroad, some of the below will not apply to you.
UJS Welfare Grant Useful Websites Tuition Fees & Loans Student Loan for Maintenance Additional Forms of Financial Help Fee Reductions Government Grants and Additional Loans System Cost of Living Support
The Sidney and Mildred Goschalk Student Aid Fund
The Student Aid Fund has been established to help British students receive a grant towards the cost of full University degrees in the UK.
Our priority is to help students who have attended a Yeshiva or Seminary for at least one year.
Grants will be given. based on financial need, and will be in the range of £1000 to £3000.
This support is being arranged through the Jewish Students Aid Trust (reg. charity number 210022)
For more information and application form please email [email protected]
Completed applications should be received before the 10th June 2024.
UJS Welfare Grant
Update 26 March 2024: Due to significant change in funding we are currently waiting for information on when and how we can open welfare grants for the academic year 2024/2025.
Funding is available to support Jewish students facing significant financial need with the costs associated with their studies. We are keen to help as many students as possible, so please read all the instructions carefully to help ensure you submit a full and suitable application. Please complete the form honestly and with as much information as possible; if not, your application may be delayed, returned or rejected. Please be aware that whilst we will try to support existing recipients, there are no guarantee that you will receive the same level of funding as in previous years.
For any queries, please contact [email protected]
In all cases, we strongly recommend applying for alternative funding. Please click here for helpful links and consider contacting your local authority or University.
Useful Websites
- Official government website - Student finance quick guide
- National Union of Students - Guide to money and funding plus the TOTUM student discount card
- UJS - Student discount booklet with exclusive offers and discounts
Tuition Fees & Loans - What are they?
You will need to check with the universities themselves for how much your particular course might cost. All full-time students are entitled to a Student Fee Loan, sometimes called a Tuition Fee Loan, in order to cover the costs. You will receive information from Student Finance England after April of Year 13 with information about how to apply for the loan, and your school or college can also offer advice.
Your repayments of this loan will be 9% of your earnings. This will come off your salary via the PAYE tax system; the money will be automatically deducted by your employer. In this sense, the 'loan' is much more like a tax.
Here’s an example to help you: The average starting salary for graduate students is £18,000. If you were earning this amount, your repayments would be zero. If you earned £25,000, you would repay about £6.90 a week.
The money that you have loaned from the government will gradually increase with interest too and the amount you will have to pay back will depend on how much you earn. These loans aren’t taken into consideration when applying for any other loans in the future, for a mortgage or anything similar.
Student Loan for Maintenance
It is also possible to apply for a Living Cost Loan (also known as a Maintenance Loan.) This helps to cover the cost of living expenses. The amount you receive depends on your household income. Everyone is entitled to 65% of the maximum amount, with the remainder being available to those with low family incomes (putting a precise figure on how low is complex - the definition is what is called "residual family income", but roughly if your family income is under £42,500, you will be entitled to some.)
How do you repay this one?
The repayment system for this loan is exactly the same as for the tuition fee loan. You will only start to repay the loan once your earnings are above £21,000 a year. The Living Cost Loan is combined with the Tuition Fee Loan, so there is only one repayment.
Additional Forms of Financial Help - What if I come from a low-earning family?
In essence, there are three additional forms of financial help:
- UJS offer Welfare grants (means tested)
- Universities might choose to reduce your fees
- The government operates a system of additional loans (which you have to pay back) and grants (which you don't) to help you with living costs
- Universities themselves offer some scholarships and bursaries
More information on these can be found on the Student Finance England website or universities themselves.
Fee Reductions - How will fee reductions work?
Government Grants and Additional Loans System
The government offers non-repayable grants to those on low incomes; these are paid automatically and regardless of course or university. These can be a maximum of £3,250 a year. There is also a grant called the Special Support Grant for those who receive means-tested benefit, such as income support.
Information about the additional loan that those from low income families will be entitled to can be found here.