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Mazal Tov! Josh Holt elected to EUJS Board

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Mazal Tov! Josh Holt elected to EUJS Board


Mazal Tov! Our President Josh just returned from Summer U, a five-day programme run by the European Union of Jewish Students. As well as participating in panels, leading and attending seminars and workshops and getting to know fellow Jewish students and student leaders from across the continent, Josh was elected to sit on the EUJS Board (pictured.)

Along with Alina Bricman from Romania, who was elected President of EUJS at Summer U, Josh will sit on the Board with Anna Vishnyakova (Ukraine), Bénde Moldovan (Hungary), Benjamin Fishman (Italy), Beni Hess (Austria), Laura Cazés (Germany) and Noemie Madar (France.)

We asked Josh what it all means…


What are you looking forward to about being elected onto the EUJS Board?

It’s incredible to have been elected! I can’t wait to work with unions across Europe to increase the number of opportunities available to Jewish students in the UK and on the continent. 


What does it mean for UJS to have our President represented on the board of EUJS?

As Jews we are part of a global people, and this year we are looking at ways to continue increasing our interaction and participation with this wider global Jewish community. To have the President of UJS sit on the executive Board of EUJS shows our commitment to this, and allows us to work on new and exciting ways to connect students and J-Socs in the UK with those across the rest of Europe.  


What are the benefits of being involved in EUJS more widely, for UJS as an organisation and for Jewish students?

In my manifesto, I promised to fight for Jewish students so that they can be loud and proud of who they are, no matter where they are. In the UK, UJS already meets with government representatives to ensure that Jewish students’ voices are heard on a national level, and now we can bring this even further. EUJS gives us access to global institutions, from the UN to the OSCE, meaning that the voice of Jewish students is heard even further afield in even higher places and we can be louder and prouder than ever. 

Additionally, being involved in international organisations like EUJS is a fantastic way to meet Jewish students from around the world, which benefits us all in so many ways. Not only are we always stronger when we share ideas and support each other, but we also have a family that can help us out, for example when UK-based students go on their year abroad or when students from abroad come to study in the UK. 


What else did you do at Summer U?

Summer U was a chance to represent UJS, on panels, through creating personal connections, and now also on the EUJS Executive. By building connections with union leaders and activists across Europe and the world, UJS is able to share and learn from best practice and discuss creative ways to work together, with all this leading to more amazing opportunities for you, the students. 


As UJS President, Josh led a delegation from the UK to Summer U, which included UJS team members and Jewish students. Are you interested in going to Summer U next year? Email Josh and we’ll let you know when registrations open in 2018.

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