Our Work

Our Interfaith Work

Our Interfaith work provides educational opportunities to learn about other faiths and cultures, broadening perspectives and enriching understanding. We also support JSocs to facilitate events and volunteering opportunities.

Take a look at the work we've been doing in this area, and visit the Interfaith Hub for all the details, and more information!

What We've Done

What We're Doing

Supported JSocs in hosting interfaith events

Commemorating Armenian Genocide
Memorial Day

Worked with other faith organisations to
provide programming for students

Improving interfaith education through
digital engagement

Opening up dialogues for ensuring
inclusivity in interfaith settings

Collaborating with other faith groups on
social action work

To learn more about our Interfaith work,
contact Amy, or call 0207 424 3288

You can view the relevant policies here. The actions listed are based on the following policies:

  • CA3  Love Thy Neighbour: Tackling Antisemitism and Islamophobia Together 
  • UJ9  Actively Promoting Interfaith: Friends across Faiths 
  • CO5  Supporting peace and harmony in Jerusalem and opposing racism in the city 
  • CO13  Solidarity with Refugee and Asylum Seeking Communities

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