At UJS, every Jewish student is welcome and included regardless of their religious affiliation, belief or mode of practice. This is embodied in our core value of cross-communalism. Students take on religious leadership roles in JSocs across the country, whether that be as part of an orthodox or egalitarian student minyan, leading songs or grace after meals at Friday night dinners, or chanting Torah at one of the many Shabbat morning service options at UJS Convention.
University is a great time for students to explore their Jewish beliefs and practice, learn from one another and discover for themselves how to live a Jewish life that fulfils them, and UJS is here to support and facilitate that throughout the Jewish year.
Check out the Jewish Engagement and Enrichment Hub for more resources and information!
What We've Done |
What We're Doing |
Produced the UJS Shabbat Companion |
Supporting students to explore their Judaism in new ways |
Informing universities of Jewish festivals |
Supporting egalitarian prayer groups |
Supported over 18,000 Shabbat and Holiday meals across the
Facilitating Jewish cultural activities such as
To learn more about the our Jewish Engagement and Enrichment work,
contact Dora, or call 0207 424 3288
You can view the relevant policies on Jewish Education and Enrichment here. The actions listed on this page relate to the following polices:
- CO16 UJS to hold Mizrahi/Sephardi month every November
- CO6 Supporting Jewish enrichment
- CO7 Increasing access to Jewish Culture in all its diversity
- CA5 Jewish prayer rooms on campus
- CA19 Kosher food on campus
- CA21 UJS-wide girls’ Chavruta
- UJ23 Supporting Cross-communalism
- UJ24 Inclusive UJS
- UJ53 Expanding Access to Kosher Food Deliveries
- CA1 Intrafaith = Uniting All Jewish Students
- UJ1 Proliferation of Transliteration
- UJ11 Representation of Sephardi/Mizrahi Traditions at UJS
- UJ9 Improving Access To Kosher Food At Small Or Remote Jsocs
- UJ21 Supporting Jsocs with Friday Night Dinner
- UJ34 UJS Not Being A Space for Any Proselytism (Including JSocs)
- CA8 Eruvs on Campus
- CA10 The Placement of a Siddur in Every Religious Space on Campus
- CO1 Jsocs to Form a Better Relationship with the Progressive Movements on Campus
- CO15 UJS Uphold Commitment to Commemorate and Educate Jewish History and Identity
- CO19 UJS to Partner With International Jewish Nonprofit Organisations And Collaborate on Student Initiatives