UJS is delighted to present to you: A Student’s Guide to Passover!!!
It is filled with education around the Seder, tips and tricks for running your own Seder,
Passover tunes, yummy recipes and many many more chapters for you to delve into over the coming weeks.
This is a guide for all, inclusive of all Jewish students regardless of religious denomination or previous knowledge.
We also recognise the unique circumstances that all students are experiencing right now.
This resource is for every Jewish student who is currently dealing with a struggle of some kind.
We have made sure that the resource provides support for the students that may be adapting to a different Seder than they normally celebrate.
This is a time of great uncertainty both personally and academically, and therefore we hope to give you a vibrant distraction from all the chaos happening in the world today
Passover is the most universally celebrated Jewish festival, a festival of reflection, community and love. We all deserve to experience it in whatever way we choose.
So, let’s use this opportunity to reflect on the past, present and future, whilst demonstrating the power in coming together as one.
Please share with family, friends and anyone else
Chag Pesach Sameach from the UJS Team.