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Save A Life Party!

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Save A Life Party!

Join Jewish youth movements and students for the great Save A Life Party. Judge Rinder will host a carousel of celebrities and entertainers including Love Island’s Eyal Booker, and comedians Joe Bor, Rachel Creeger and Simon Brodkin. 

They’re coming together to raise awareness of how a simple swab of the mouth could save a life. If you have a blood cancer, such as leukaemia, you need to find a stem cell donor with a matching tissue type to save your life. Your ethnicity affects your tissue type – in other words, a Jewish patient is much more likely to find a match with another Jewish person. 


During the party, you’ll hear how you can order online a free home testing kit to take a swab from your mouth, which is then returned to a lab. Your tissue type will be registered for any current or future patients, and one day, you could save a life.


Learn all about it and have a lot of fun at the Save A Life Party. 


Book your place now at:


On the day of the party, you’ll receive a link to the event.


See you there!


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