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Approx Jewish Students on campus - 10+

We are a society for both Jews and non-Jews alike. Our focus is on celebrating the richness of Jewish culture and having fun with our community. Whether you are want to go out with friend, sit down to a Shabbat meal together or just learn more about Jewish customs, festivals and culture, this is the society for you. To find out how to be in touch with the J-Soc, please contact UJS.

Some of what we do:

  • Attend UJS (Union of Jewish students) events around the UK that include conferences, music festivals and network events.

  • Bring students together to celebrate Jewish events.

  • Hold events on campus to educate students.

At the moment we are a very small society, with a maximum of 6 members in regular attendance. However with Swansea’s growing reputation as a good place to study, we hope to grow. In order to combat our critically low numbers, we have held regular meetings with the J-Soc in Cardiff, who we intend on cooperating closely with this year too! 

President: Samuel Ross

Kosher Food & Accommodation

There is no kosher food in Swansea, however members of the local community have meat delivered from London. 

Local Synagogue Information

There is a very small Orthodox synagogue that does not have a resident rabbi but holds services on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings when possible. They also hold services for all Jewish festivals. Members of the J-Soc also attend the Liberal Synagogue in Cardiff on high holidays and can put people in contact with Cardiff’s Orthodox shul.

The UJS Sabbatical Officer for this campus is Swansea




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