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London Jewish Society Forum

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London Jewish Society Forum

Yesterday, we hosted the London presidents in our office for the first London Jewish Society Forum!

It was an opportunity for the London J-Soc Presidents to meet and discuss plans for the coming year. We were so pleased to see so many Jewish societies come together and discuss how they could work together and collaborate, and it was even more exciting to reconnect in person! We spoke about future events, taught them all the tips and tricks for running a J-Soc and talked them through some of the trickier parts of our website.

Our sabbatical officers and the whole UJS team were so thrilled to be able to share what else we are working on in our roles and how we could support each other. The most important part was that the Jewish societies were able to meet each other and build relationships, fostering a space for their creative ideas to flourish and hopefully to become a reality. We also gave them a chance to come up with new events and share these with each other, allowing new collaborations to form.

We brought forward both traditional and new ideas for collaborative events across London and we hope that this will lead to more London-wide events happening for years to come! As we are a Jewish organisation, we of course had to bring food to the table and all enjoyed some sushi together! We also reflected on individual J-Socs and the amazing work they are already doing, together with what UJS can support with and how we can develop their existing structures further.

We can’t wait to see many doughnuts on sticks, dinners, and musical events happening very soon, as well as events covering the entire breadth of London!

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