With the new academic year starting, the UJS Presidential Elections are already approaching!
Here is this year’s Returning Officer with a message for you, along with key dates:
'Hi everyone, I'm Josh Nagli and I am the Returning Officer for this year's UJS Presidential Election. I was the UJS Campaigns Director in 2016-17 and am currently a civil servant.'
The timeline for the 2019 election:
Monday 4th November: Nominations open
Monday 18th November: Nominations close
Monday 25th November: Campaigning and voting opens
Friday 6th December: Campaigning and voting closes
Sunday 8th December: Result announced
Details on submitting a nomination will be published nearer the time. In the meantime, email me on [email protected] if you have any questions. The election will be held in accordance with the UJS constitution and bye-laws, which can be read here.
Good luck!