Approx Jewish Students on campus - 20+
The J-Soc is very relaxed, with events every few weeks ranging from dinners to nights out. People don't tend to come to every event but rather just come when they can. It's a very small but friendly J-Soc so even if someone's never come before they are welcomed in
President: Eliana Stern
What is your most memorable moment as J-Soc President?
"The most memorable moment was my first Friday night dinner I went to at the rabbis house. It was a great atmosphere and no one felt judged based on how religious they were, but it let us all have that link to home we hadn't had in a while."
What is your favourite event you have attended?
"The annual barbecue we have to start the year. This event is the most popular every year and it gives a chance to meet majority of the people who will come to events throughout the rest of the year. The food is also a big plus."
Whats the best thing about Newcastle's J-Soc?
"The best thing about Newcastle Jsoc is that it isn't necessarily just about religion, it's about being with people with similar beliefs to you and a similar upbringing making it easy to get along with everyone. But we also try to ensure that the religious link is there for those who want it, without enforcing it on those who come just to meet other Jews in a similar situation to them."
Kosher Food & Accommodation
Kosher food can be purchased from Gateshead and the Chaplain is available to help with this.
Local Synagogue Information
Small Orthodox Synagogue as well as a reform one.
The UJS Sabbatical Officer for this campus is Samantha