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Campus Sessions


Mapping Coexistence available in person

A student led discussion program about coexistence in reality and as a concept. The session begins with an interactive game representative of moral dilemmas and values, which leads into a loosely structured discussion about coexistence at home and abroad. 

Contact Shayna to book this session


How to have productive disagreements about Israel (that don't devolve into chaos) available in person

Dan draws on his experiences as the Israel and Campaigns officer on his campus to bring a session on how to have productive disagreements on Israel. The interactive session covers why so many discussions about Israel devolve into disagreements and then into chaos. Dan aims to teach you common psychological pitfalls you can avoid in order to have healthier, happier and more productive disagreements about Israel, the conflict and more.

Contact Daniel to book this session


Judaism and American politicsavailable in person and on Zoom

How does the American Jewish community identify themselves within their political spectrum? We will be looking at the American Jewish community and how that connects with the American political system, and examining the other factors which may affect how American Jews may identify and vote.

Contact Amanda to book this session


Women in leadershipavailable in person and on Zoom

Join me for a discussion about the challenges facing women in leadership in 2021. Let’s think about how to empower more women to take up leadership roles and the unique challenges we face in the Jewish community.

Contact Nina to book this session


From Kubbeh to Kugel: The History of Jewish Foodavailable in person and on Zoom

A presentation about the history of Jewish food and the places it originated from. Including an interactive quiz about food and a food tasting at the end.

Contact Faye to book this session


Introduction to Jewish Spirituality - available in person and on Zoom

This session will explore our spiritual side, understanding the Jewish concepts of spirituality, the soul, and kaballah (Jewish mysticism). Be ready to think and be challenged!  

Contact Jodie to book this session


Matzah of Freedom - available in person

How did the Hebrews actually make the matzah in the Sinai desert? And why is the matzah - a poor man's bread (in Hebrew: Lechem oni לחם עוני) symbolizing the freedom of the people of Israel?

In this session, we will try to answer these questions along with a quick and simple recipe for Pita and Hummus.

Contact Dovi to book this session


Shirat Hasticker - available in person and on Zoom

The day after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, author David Grossman began documenting in his notebook the bumper stickers he saw around Israel. After a few years he realized it needed to become a rap song.

"Shirat Hasticker" (“The Sticker Song”) was produced and performed by the Israeli band Hadag Nahash. The song consists entirely of bumper sticker slogans scattered around Israel in the 1980s and 1990s and reflects in a harsh conciseness the political and social division in Israeli society.

In the session we will listen to the song, learn about the socio-political background of the texts and discuss their role in Israeli and Jewish society. Furthermore, we will discuss the cultural importance of protest songs, society's ability to learn and the hope of moving away from past mistakes.

Contact Noa to book this session


Jewish identity = Israeli identity? - available in person and on Zoom

Israel is the Jewish state. The Jewish people has been connected to it for thousands of generations, we learn about it in many points in life and mention Jerusalem every year in the Passover Haggadah, and yet, every person in the Jewish community has different identity components and a type of connection to Israel.

How does that make us feel as individuals and as a group? Is Israel an inseparable part of the Jewish identity?

In this session we will talk about this connection and the way it makes us feel within our community. We will learn about Israel’s national anthem and the identity of its biggest protestor (you’ll be surprised), and lastly, we will discuss and learn from each other’s thoughts and feelings towards Israel.

Contact Adi to book this session


Hidden Jews available in person and on Zoom

A session by two of our Sabs highlighting modern days stories of hidden Jews. Post holocaust, this talk will cover stories of Jews from around the world who have had to hide aspects of their identity. It will involve interactive discussions, a presentation, and real testimonies of hidden Jews.

Contact Shayna to book this session


Gender and Judaism available in person and on Zoom

Is Judaism a matriarchal or patriarchal religion? We will be examining the different halacha, practices and traditions and comparing that with influences of society to understand the gender roles within Judaism.

Contact Amanda to book this session


I don't know what to do! available in person and on Zoom

This session will look at the methodology to making a decision, from perspectives of a psychologist, Rabbi and ancient sources. We will also run through some scenarios for you to choose from!

Contact Jodie to book this session


Hebrew Cafe available in person

We will create our own branch of Israeli Aroma Cafe and practice on special Hebrew vocabulary. We will make the ultimate Israeli breakfast dish, That Shakshuka with a delicious option for vegans as well.

Contact Dovi to book this session


Arab Citizens of Israel: A Discussion About Social Stigmas and Identity Struggle available in person and on Zoom

When the topic of Arabs and Palestinians in Israel comes up, it is usually about the Palestinian population in Gaza, the West bank, and east Jerusalem. The Arabs and Palestinians who make up over 20% of the population of Israeli citizens, are rarely talked about. The tension between the Palestinian Arab national identity and the identity as citizens of Israel was famously described as: "My state is at war with my nation".

During the session we will watch two videos, the first is an extract from the Israeli adaptation of You Can’t Ask That (“Pardon the question”) episode 6: Arabs. The participants show the complexity of their Arab-Israeli identity and their feelings towards the state and their definition of home.

The second video is a clip from the show Arab Labor (translated from the Hebrew “Avoda Aravit” which colloquially implies “shoddy or second-rate work”) Created by Sayed Kashua, an Israeli-born Palestinian journalist, focuses on a Palestinian Israeli citizen in search of his identity as he seeks high status in the society. The show demonstrates many of the stereotypes and struggles Israeli Arabs are dealing with, from a humorous point of view.

Based on the videos, we will discuss the Israeli experience from an Arab point of view, and the importance of acknowledging the Israeli-Arab identity as an integral component of Israeli society, and the way it connects with our own experience as Jews and our relationship with Israel.

Contact Noa to book this session


Israel is Sababa available in person and on Zoom

The internet is a bustling domain, where you can find millions of opinions on every topic and trends that come and go. One of the more polarized and controversial topics online is Israel. It seems like everybody has something to say and many people base their opinions on trends and misconceptions. Lies are spread very easily and it is nearly impossible to tell what’s true and what’s false.

Therefore, it is very important to educate ourselves and share the right information. In this session we will learn how to address Israel online and show it in a non-political way, stemming from the personal connection and experiences of each one of us.

Contact Adi to book this session


General Allenby in Jerusalem available in person and on Zoom

A general, a brigadier and a cook wanted to conquer Jerusalem in the middle of Hanukkah 1917. Who was the first to meet the Mayor of Jerusalem? Who got the letter of surrender? And who got a small Sefer Torah as a present? In this session, we will go behind the scenes of the most peaceful conquest of the city of eternity, and try to understand what made this event so mythical and iconic to the people of Jerusalem and the entire world. 

Contact Dovi to book this session


A Thousand Year Old Light available in person and on Zoom

How did the Menorah become the ultimate Jewish symbol, found in every Jewish home and every synagogue?

How did the Menorah roll into the emblem of Israel? And why does it appear in its Roman version and not its Jewish one?

In this session, we will take a journey behind one of the most significant Jewish symbols

Contact Dovi to book this session


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