Jewish Engagement and Enrichment

Festival Calendar 2024/25

Included in this table are the dates of the major celebrated Jewish festivals.  

In addition to these, each week Jewish people observe the Sabbath (Shabbat), which begins on Friday evenings and ends on Saturday evenings. To find the exact start and end times of the Sabbath in your area, please visit 

Please be aware that, like the Sabbath, Jewish festivals begin and end in the evening. As we follow a lunar calendar, the dates of festivals change every year. This is a 2024-5 calendar only. To check dates further into the future, visit 

As you may be aware, Jewish observance ranges across communities and individuals. If you are unsure how Jewish students will be celebrating each festival on your campus, please be in touch! 

If you have any further questions, or would like any clarification on how to support Jewish students, please email Dora at [email protected] 

Thank you for taking the time to support Jewish students. 


Name of Festival 

2024/25 dates 

2025/26 dates 

Explanation of Festival 

Appropriate greeting 

Additional information 

Rosh Hashanah (2 Days) 

Evening of 02/10/2024 to evening of 2 04/10/2024 

Evening of 22/09/2025 to evening of 24/09/2025 


Jewish new year, commonly celebrated by eating apple and honey and sounding the shofar (a trumpet made from a hollowed ram’s horn). Many will celebrate with festive meals and go to synagogue. 

Happy new year! 


Shana tova! 

Traditionally observant Jewish students do not use electricity, write, drive, they cannot attend university classes. 



Yom Kippur  

(1 day) 

Evening of 11/10/24 to evening of 12/10/2024 



Evening of 01/10/2025 to evening of 02/10/2025 


Day of atonement, Jewish people fast on this day and attend synagogue. 

Have a meaningful Yom Kippur. 


Have an easy fast. 

Traditionally observant Jewish students do not use electricity, write, drive, they cannot attend university classes. 


Most will also be fasting.  




(1 week) 

Evening of 16/10/2024 to evening of 23/10/2024 


Evening of 06/10/2025 to evening of 13/10/2025 


Festival of Booths when Jewish people build temporary booths with rooves made of branches. They also shake a bundle of specific branches and fruit known as the 4 species. Many will celebrate with festive meals and go to synagogue. 

Happy Sukkot! 


Chag sameach! 

On the first two days, traditionally observant Jewish students do not use electricity, write, drive, they cannot attend university classes. 



Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah  

(2 days) 


Evening of 23/10/2024 - evening of 25/10/2024 


Evening of 13/10/2025 - evening of 15/10/2025 


Jewish people celebrate finishing a cycle of reading the Torah (bible) and begin the cycle again. Many will celebrate with festive meals and go to synagogue. 



Chag Sameach! 


Happy Holidays! 

Traditionally observant Jewish students do not use electricity, write, drive, they cannot attend university classes. 




Chanukah (8 days) 

Evening of 26/12/2024 to evening 02/01/2025 

Evening of 14/12/2025 to evening 22/12/2025 


Festival of lights, Jewish people light candelabras (menorahs) each evening to celebrate the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greek occupation during the Hasmonean dynasty. 

Happy Chanukah! 


Chanukah Sameach! 

It is custom to eat oily foods during this period, you may see donuts being handed out on campus, as well as Menorah lightings and celebrations. 




(1 day) 

Evening of 13/03/2025 to 14/03/2025 

Evening of 02/03/2026 to 03/03/2026 


Jewish people celebrate the story of Jewish survival in the face of genocide by Haman in ancient Persia, they also have festive meals and dress in fancy dress. 

Happy Purim! 


Chag sameach! 


You may see Jewish students dressed in fancy dress around campus. 




(8 days) 

Evening of 12/04/2025 to evening 20/04/2025 

Evening of 01/04/2026 to evening 09/04/2026 


Passover, Jewish people remember the exodus from Egypt and do not eat leavened bread, or wheat products. They also have a Seder, a communal/family gathering to tell the story of the Exodus. 

Happy Passover/ Pesach! 


Chag sameach! 

On the first 2 days and the last 2 days, traditionally observant Jewish students do not use electricity, write, drive, they cannot attend university classes. 

Many Jewish students return to their parent’ home for this holiday. 



Shavuot (2 days) 

Evening 01/06/2025 to evening 03/06/2025 


Evening 21/05/2026 to evening 23/05/2026 


Commemorates the revelation of the Torah (bible) at Mount Sinai. Jewish people often stay up all night learning and eat dairy foods - commonly cheesecake! 

Happy Shavuot! 


Chag Sameach! 

During this period, traditionally observant Jewish students do not use electricity, write, drive, they cannot attend university classes. 



Tisha B’Av (1 day) 


Evening 02/08/2025 to evening 03/08/2025 

Evening 22/07/2026 to evening 23/07/2026 


A day of mourning for the Jewish people commemorating several historical tragedies, most notably the destruction of the first and second temples. 

None - It is customary to avoid greetings all together, due to the solemn nature of the day 

During this day, Jewish students may be fasting and abstain from fun activities, for example listening to music. They may spend much of the day studying in synagogue. 



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