This your chance to hear from the candidates for NUS President, Vice President Liberation, Vice President HE and Vice President FE. Come along and watch live!
UJS invite all candidates to come along to a hustings for specifically for Jewish students, lead by UJS President Nina Freedman and Amanda Sefton (Head of Campaigns). It will be 30mins long, and will consist of some prepared questions and then open to students watching live to ask questions as well. This will be a live stream on the UJS website. Each candidate will have a minute to introduce themselves and then will go into questions.
Dates and times:
Thursday 17th March, 6-6:30pm for President and 6:30-7pm Vice President Liberation
Sunday 20th March 5-5:30pm Vice President HE and 5:30-6pm Vice President FE
If you have any specific questions you would like to be asked please contact Amanda Sefton UJS.