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UJS Passed Policy 2020

Like many things in 2020, this year’s UJS conference was completely transformed to allow democracy and debate to continue. This virtual conference saw over 50 motions submitted and with over a hundred students, from all over the UK and abroad, taking part. The 2020 conference also saw Nina Freedman announced as the winner of the elections to be UJS President for 2021-22, with 54% majority after four rounds. Nina will take over in June 2021 from her predecessor President James Harris and her team will have plenty to put into practice after another dynamic year of UJS democracy as students shaped their union. 

UJS is pleased say that, this year conference saw motions such as CA6 Committing to Fight All Forms of Antisemitismmandating UJS to be lobbying universities to improve their disciplinary processesUJ4 Transgender and Non-Binary Rights; committing UJS to a zero-tolerance policy of transphobia and creating a Trans and Non-Binary caucus at liberation conference. And CO13 Solidarity with Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Communities; which was passed overwhelmingly by delegates. 

UJS policy is made up of motions passed at the previous three conferences.  Last year’s conference saw motions such as CA3 Promoting better relationships between J-Socs and their Students' Unions; mandating UJS to help foster deeper relationships between local J-Socs and their Student Unions. CA4 Love Thy Neighbour: Tackling Antisemitism and Islamophobia Together; committing to tackling Antisemitism and Islamophobia together. And CA6 Opposing BDS in all its forms; which passed unanimously through conference floor.  To see all current policy, please see the links below, 

Sadly, Antisemitism is a main feature of many motions which highlights the trend of rising antisemitism on UK campuses. At previous conferences, Jewish students voted overwhelmingly to reaffirm our adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism, campaign in collaboration with J-Socs for Students’ Unions and Universities to adopt the IHRA definition, ensure the IHRA definition of antisemitism is not used to shut down legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and adopt the position that the IHRA definition is not complete without all its examples. 

Lastly, much of UJS current policy relates to our core value of Israel engagement. UJS will proudly continue to advocate for a Two State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, carry on working with groups in Israel and the Palestinian Territories which support the two-state solution on trips, and reaffirm our opposition to BDS. 

Despite differences and sometimes divisions exist within our union, we will always strive to represent all Jewish students across the UK and Ireland in line with our core values. 



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