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President’s Update, 4 of 12: feat. trips, events and democracy!

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President’s Update, 4 of 12: feat. trips, events and democracy!

Two months into the new term, and the exciting projects we have been planning are finally here!

In the last blog, you heard about our freshers’ visits, the Home and Abroad Network launch, our Succot homelessness project and the release of our J-Soc committee handbook. The past month of term has been jam-packed with events, so here’s some highlights from UJS this last month…

We attended an EUJS Board Meeting in Budapest


As part of our commitment to work with unions across Europe and provide new and exciting opportunities to our students, we were present at the EUJS Board meeting, working on new ways to increase pan-European Jewish student union cooperation. You can read more about this here.

We hosted Bridges not Boycotts Conference


This conference helped in the ongoing work to balance the narrative around Israel/Palestine on campus, promoting peaceful coexistence instead of division. Read more here.

We opened nominations for UJS President


This means you can choose who will next represent Jewish students nationally. The page with information about nominations process can be found here. You can also message Josh UJS Holt on Facebook for more details!

We had a National Council Meeting

National Council is the body that holds the President of UJS to account, making sure UJS’ democracy is as strong as possible. In the last meeting, the Council discussed what had gone on so far at UJS, and also looked at exciting upcoming projects.

We represented UJS at the Balfour Dinner and at a meeting with Netanyahu


UJS was invited to the prestigious Lancaster House dinner in celebration of the Balfour centenary, where guests included the British and Israeli Prime Ministers, the Foreign Secretary, the current Lord Balfour and former Secretary of State, John Kerry. UJS were later invited to a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to represent Jewish students. 

We helped to support Friday Night Dinners on over 25 campuses

This means as many students as possible get to experience that J-Soc feeling of ‘home away from home’, whether it’s in London, Leeds, Birmingham, St Andrews, or somewhere in between!

This first term is racing by, and with just 5 weeks left on campus, we can’t wait to be at an event near you!

Josh Holt, UJS President 2017-2018


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