Hi, I’m Rebecca and I’m one of the new Campaigns Officers. I graduated in 2017 from the University of Bristol with a degree in History. I’m from Primrose Hill in North West London, so marginally outside the Jewish bubble!
I got involved in UJS and J-Soc in my first year at Bristol as Social Action Officer on committee and since then I’ve been a UJS activist, involved in our Liberation conferences and campaigns. Through my love of elections, I was active in my Students’ Union and as an NUS delegate.
As Campaigns Officer I’m responsible for running our first ever Bridges Not Boycotts Conference and running our Liberation Networks and Conference (I really like conferences). I’m also working on our Interfaith campaigns and mental health campaign, Reclaim. I’ll also be looking after Bristol and UCL J-Socs.
As a History graduate, my favourite thing to do is spend time wandering around museums, galleries and historical landmarks. Shavuot and Succot are my favourite Jewish festivals, cheesecake and eating in a hut are fantastic!
My best UJS memory is definitely Liberation Conference. It’s the most vibrant and exciting event that UJS organises and brings together passionate and diverse activists who want to change Anglo-Jewry for the better.