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UJS Statement about the UCL IHRA vote

It is a sorry state of affairs that the all-student meeting at UCLSU has voted against the IHRA definition of antisemitism. 


In the two most recent years seeing the highest levels of recorded antisemitic incidents in the UK, narrow minded and dogmatic activists are more concerned with protecting their ability to spew hatred than protect minority students on their campus. 

Over 130 local councils, the Crown Prosecution Service, NUS, the Office for Students and even the Labour Party accept this working definition; it is arrogant and hypocritical that these students think they know better than Jewish students and hundreds of genuine anti-racists.

We are proud of the Jewish students who stood up and made their voices heard, and we are constantly grateful for the support of allies. Despite this result, UCL Jewish Society and UJS will continue the fight, and oppose antisemitism and discrimination of all kinds on campus.

UCL Jewish Society                                                        Union of Jewish Students

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