Where are your Chanukah treats coming from this year?
As Jewish students, we have a duty to acknowledge modern slavery and work on diminishing it. The slavery of our ancestors and the privileged position we are now in mean we must not stand and allow individuals to be oppressed for our benefit.
Jewish philosophies such as ‘Tikkun Olam’ (repairing the world) promote social justice. Thankfully, this Chanukah there is a tangible way to accomplish this. When sourcing donuts, dreidels and various festive delights (including presents from the high street) it is worth considering whether we are funding ethically sourced services and products.
Jewish human rights group René Cassin has offered a tangible guide to recognise how we may be accidentally supporting modern day slavery- a terrifying thought.
Hopefully this year we can aim, as Jewish students, to have these conversations with friends and family- encouraging those around us to make intentional decisions about where we spend our money.
As we light the candles of our chanukiot and recount the miracle of the strength of our people, let us take this opportunity to ensure we aren’t responsible for the mistreatment of those who facilitate our festive season.
LEARN MORE: How many slaves work for you? Take the quiz here.
DO MORE: Sign a petition to make a change here.
Emma Jacobs - Campaigns Officer, Leeds J-Soc