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Get STEM-ulated at PinkNews’ LGBT+ STEM careers event

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Get STEM-ulated at PinkNews’ LGBT+ STEM careers event

This year’s LGBT+ History Month aims to educate-out prejudice and make LGBT+ people visible in all
their rich diversity. For current students and recent graduates, one way of highlighting this is through
diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Having recently attended a lunch and learn hosted by
PinkNews (the world's most read LGBT+ publication) to a leading food service company in London, it
was very interesting to see how different their work culture was. Having spent the majority of my
career working for UJS and then at PinkNews, I hadn’t really come across any push back when it
came to discussing diversity and how to approach LGBT+ colleagues. One example of this was when
it came to asking colleagues their pronouns. It opened my mind to the fact that we won’t always be in
our comfort bubbles, whether that is the Jewish society or LGBT+ network at university or working for
charities or businesses that are specifically catered for minorities.

Luckily, championing LGBT+ rights is a hot topic in Government and we can see this being trickled
down to businesses and also to schools. We don’t want LGBT+ rights to just be a tick box and only
celebrated during February or Pride month, so the best way to ensure LGBT+ people are visible for
those looking for jobs .. is in the workplace. Which brings me on nicely to the LGBT Leaders STEM
(science, technology, engineering and mathematics) event which is taking place on February 15th at
the Amazon HQ in London.

The day comprises a series of conferences for LGBT+ students and recent graduates organised by
PinkNews with the aim of addressing the troubling fact that 41% of undergraduates go back into the
closet after starting their first job. More than half of LGBT+ employees don’t come out at work
because they fear that they will face discrimination from managers and colleagues. LGBT Leaders
STEM is looking to change that statistic, and, in doing so, change the fear that LGBT+ people
experience all too often in the workplace. The event will focus on addressing the under-representation
of LGBT+ people in STEM roles, as LGBT+ people are 20% less represented in those fields than
expected. The day will end with a careers fair and drinks social. Attendees will have the chance to
meet representatives from Amazon, as well as the Financial Times, Accenture and LinkedIn.
Additionally, those looking for specific roles within the pharmaceutical industry will have the chance to
meet GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer, all of whom will host a session together as members
of the Proud Science Alliance. You’ll learn all about the world of STEM through networking, panel
discussions and inspirational speakers, and have the chance to meet like-minded LGBT+ people and
activists from all walks of life. Attendees can enjoy sessions on a variety of topics, from international
LGBT+ rights to bi visibility, trans allyship and more.

Students can sign up here via the simple registration form. So, what are you waiting for? Apply now,
and get STEM-ulated!

Please note: The deadline to apply is 9th February. If you are attending from outside of London, you
are eligible to claim for our travel bursary. You can receive up to £50 when claiming with a receipt -
please contact [email protected] for the terms and conditions.


- written by Amanda Gale. Amanda worked at UJS 2011-2016 (HR & Operations Manager) and is now the Interim Head of Events at PinkNews.

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