Ready for Uni? Here are the important dates of the first semester to keep in mind!
UJS staff will be travelling all over the country to meet you on campus! Whether you are coming back to uni or starting this year we are all so excited, so come say hi - we will be in UJS jumpers or wearing badges!
Careers advice with Resource Centre: 13th of September
The Jewish Festivals
- Rosh Hashanah: 10th and 11th September
- Yom Kippur: 19th September
- Shemini Atzeret: 1st October
- Simchat Torah: 2nd October
Make sure you check out what your J-Soc are doing for the upcoming High Holy Days, if you are unsure do not hesitate to be in touch with us and we will help you find exactly what you need!
Manchester Enough is Enough Rally against Antisemitism: 16th September
Join UJS, the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council standing up against antisemitism. There will be coaches from Leeds and London, get your ticket here.
Homelessness in Succot: 24th – 30th September
Succot is an excellent opportunity to talk about homelessness, through its themes of vulnerability and the idea of tzedaka. This is why we are continuing with our Homelessness in Succot campaign.
We're excited to share this resource guide that can be used to shape the campaign on your campuses, from creating a peer-led lunch and learn to practical steps you can take to address homelessness in your local area. If you have any queries, please contact Grace.
World Mental Health Day:10th October
This is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. To create more attention, we will be launching our new mental health campaign. If you would like to get involved, drop Hannah a message!
Interfaith Week: 11th-18th November
Our work on interfaith at UJS centres around bringing students of all faiths and none together, to bring about cohesion and tolerance on campus. At times when hate crime and antisemitism are rising, it’s even more important to reach out to other faith groups to stand together against hatred. For more information contact Rebecca!
Mitzvah Day: 18th November
Guided by Jewish values, Mitzvah Day’s vision is of all people to come together to build more cohesive neighbourhoods and to strengthen civil society, through social action activities. Mitzvah Day can support and introduce your J-Soc to many social action involvements together with other organisations present on your campus or community. The UJS Guide to Mitzvah Day on Campus can be found here.
Het Trip- Lessons from Auschwitz, University Project:
The Holocaust Education Trust and UJS are looking forward to taking University Staff to Auschwitz, more infos soon!
Summit: 23rd-25th November
Our annual Summit will bring together, once again, over 100 student leaders from around the country to learn how to lead your J-Soc.
UJS Presidential Elections begin! Campaigning and voting:26th of November to 7th December
UJS president hopefuls will be launching their campaigns and coming to visit you on campus to meet you and hear about your needs!
Chanukah: 3rd- 10th December
The festival of light, latkahs and suffganiot (doughnuts) – get in touch if you need help to organise events for your campus.
UJS Conference: 9th December
Have your say and shape UJS to what you want to see from it! Get involved by submitting motions, attending, debating and voting and finding out who your president will be!
Winter trips
- Manhigut: 23-30th December
- The Real Deal: Dates TBC!
We have many different opportunities to go to Israel so make sure you apply in time to attend one of our life changing trips! Find out more here