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What will next year look like? It's up to you to decide

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What will next year look like? It's up to you to decide


Casting a ballot. Unionising. Having representation to all levels of government. These basic rights are enjoyed in their entirety by under a third of the world’s population. In the UK and Ireland, we are privileged enough to have this right, to be able to vote freely - without restriction or prejudice. And now the time has once again come for you to use this right, and have your say, to decide who will next lead your national union. 

UJS, the voice of Jewish students, is only as strong as its democracy, and that relies on you, the students who make up our membership.

A lot can be achieved in a year. Just ask the current UJS team, who have been working non-stop since coming into their roles this summer. In the past six months alone, we have helped to create so many new projects on campus, whether it is launching networks or focus groups, tackling homelessness or bringing a Holocaust survivor to speak at NUS Zones Conference and launching the Our Living Memory campaign. And this is the beauty of UJS and its democracy. 

Whereas these are some of the new projects from this year, only you can decide what next year will bring.

So to shape your union and exercise your right, head over to and cast your vote for the next UJS President now!

Josh Holt, UJS President 2017-18

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