Hen Mazzig is an Israeli writer, speaker, and activist. He is a senior fellow at the Tel Aviv Institute. Mazzig is of Sephardic Jewish (Iraqi Jewish and Tunisian Jewish) descent. He is a Zionist. Mazzig was named one of the Top 50 NYC Jewish LGBTQ+ Influencers. In August 2020, Mazzig started a viral movement, #JewishPrivilege, with Jews telling personal stories of discrimination and abuse. In November 2020, Mazig criticized a student BDS resolution passed at San Francisco State University.] In December 2020, Mazzig spoke to the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies, commemorating the plight of 850,000 Jews who were expelled from Arab lands. He was a panelist, along with Arizona State Rep. Alma Hernandez, discussing antisemitism. |
Twitter: @HenMazzig
Website: henmazzig.com