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Beit Ha’am



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The Beit Ha’am program was developed by the Department of Diaspora Affairs in the World Zionist Organization to encourage an open conversation about Zionism, Israel and the Jewish people and raise questions that affect us all. Using a diverse assortment of educational materials.

Beit Ha’am includes over 30 educational units on a wide variety of topics which provide tools for educators and students to create conversations about the main issues engrossing the Zionist movement and the Jewish world in the 21st century.

Through discussion on topics relevant to us all, such as the relationship between Israel and the Diaspora, the relationship between veganism or sustainability to Zionism and Judaism, mutual responsibility and more, Beit Ha’am would like to create a conversation about Israel as a question of identity, in which there is no fear to deal with and tackle the complexities of the issues at hand.

The discussions are created using a variety of sources and reading materials, drawing from the Jewish Library in the widest sense of the word, from the Bible and Mishna through Maimonides and Leonard Cohen or modern newspaper clippings; the discussion creates a space for participants to present a wide variety of opinions and understandings on these issues.

We invite you take part in molding the Zionism of tomorrow and to ask yourself, together with us, how can we influence the future of Zionism and the Jewish nation?




