Streaming powerhouse Netflix has announced the release of "Bros," an Israeli Hebrew-language comedy series created by and starring Guy Amir and Hanan Savyon. Set to premiere in 190 countries on November 9, this eight-episode series revolves around the lives of Pini and Nisso, lifelong friends and avid supporters of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer club. The duo also co-owns a bar in Jerusalem. As the story unfolds, their friendship faces challenges, including potential bar closure and a pivotal match for their beloved team.
The Beitar Jerusalem club has garnered attention for its controversial fan group, La Familia, known for its extreme views.
In addition to Amir and Savyon, the series features performances by Israeli actors Efrat Boimold, Yaniv Swissa, and Shlomi Avraham. The show was filmed in various locations, including Israel, Poland, Ukraine, and Georgia.
Netflix subscribers around the world can look forward to the premiere of "Bros," offering a dose of humor and a glimpse into the unique world of Israeli soccer fan culture.