Singing ‘I love you’ in Hebrew and with his keyboardist playing a classic Israeli children’s song, singer gives a show to remember to more than 70,000 Israeli fans
By Linoy Barokas, UJS Shlicha
It does not happen very often in Israel: a hot, relevant artist who tops the charts around the world comes to Israel for two performances in Yarkon Park. Bruno Mars will take the stage Wednesday night and will perform again on Saturday night in front of about 130,000 Israelis, who sold out all the concert tickets within hours.
Not content with just a “shalom,” Mars infused the show with shoutouts to the local crowd, most prominently in “Calling All My Lovelies,” when he not just said but sang “Ani Ohev Otach” (I love you) as the fans went wild. Watch it here:
The biggest surprise of the night came toward the end of the evening, when Mars took a brief break offstage and his keyboardist, John Fossit, played an instrumental version of the very timely classic Israeli children’s song, “Shlomit Bona Sukkah,” (Shlomit builds a sukkah) by Naomi Shemer, as the surprised and delighted crowd sang along.