Our People

Shayna Wise-Till

Hi everyone! My name is Shayna and I’m your social action and interfaith sabbatical officer for the 2021-2022 academic year. I’ve just graduated from Leicester with a law degree!

Throughout my university experience I was involved with J-Soc, Chabad, UJS, and a bunch of other organisations. From Israel trips to lunch and learns to shabbatons, I’m super passionate about encouraging communal Jewish life on campus.

I went to high school in Canada where I was very involved with my summer camp and youth movement. Young Judaea represent! I also went to a school that specialised in social justice, so I’m super stoked about taking on this role!

Outside of my role at UJS you can find me baking, travelling, or reading a good book!

I’m super excited about getting to travel to all your different campuses this year and getting to know you guys!!


J-Socs (Jewish Societies) I work with: 
Campus sessions I can run: 

Mapping Coexistence – available in person

A student led discussion program about coexistence in reality and as a concept. The session begins with an interactive game representative of moral dilemmas and values, which leads into a loosely structured discussion about coexistence at home and abroad. 


Hidden Jews - available in person and on Zoom

A session by two of our Sabs highlighting modern days stories of hidden Jews. Post holocaust, this talk will cover stories of Jews from around the world who have had to hide aspects of their identity. It will involve interactive discussions, a presentation, and real testimonies of hidden Jews.


→ Click here to see other sessions we provide


Contact me:

E: [email protected]

M: 07703 379 145

T: 020 7424 3288

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