How to Organise an Effective Israel Engagement Event on Campus
- Having a PURPOSE
When organising an event, have a clear purpose for it:
- What is the POINT of the event? – Is it to educate activists? Is it to educate politics students? Is it an introduction for students in general? Is it to engage your core support?
Your event will only work if you can answer these questions:
- WHO is the event for?
- WHAT is the event trying to achieve?
- WHY are you holding the event?
- What do you want the OUTCOME of the event to be?
- SMALL details can make a BIG difference
LOCATION – Do some locations alienate people? NEVER hold Israel events in a JSoc house or at Hillel – why would anybody who wasn’t Jewish come? Would they even know how to get there? Always include directions to the location.
TIMING – Is your event at the same time as something else prominent? If it is clashing with sports night, will people really come to your event instead of a night out? Is it at the same time as a big football match? Is it the end of term? Make your event convenient for your audience – bring the event to them, don’t expect them to come to your event regardless.
- What is your draw? Why should people come to your event?
Give people a good reason to attend your event. Why might people want to come to your event?
- Do you have FREE FOOD? (This is always a good way to engage people!)
- Is it an interesting and unique SPEAKER?
- Might it be relevant to a certain COURSE or MODULE?
- Could there be a chance to ask a QUESTION or get a PHOTO?
- Is it a good way to show COMMITMENT to your JSoc or get on its committee?
- Is there a SOCIAL element?
- The key to success – COLLABORATE
Your JSoc’s audience is extremely LIMITED. How can you expand your audience?
- Encourage people to bring FRIENDS. Maybe a reduction in ticket prices if you bring a friend?
- Collaborate with other relevant SOCIETIES. Every event will be relevant to another student society so think WIDELY – Politics Society, International Relations Society, Good Food Society, PPE Society, Law Society, History Society, Friends of Palestine, Music Society….
- Work with your STUDENTS’ UNION – they promote student events, so use that free publicity!
- Can you work with political parties on campus?
- Work with other religious societies.
You don’t have to ‘co-host’ or ‘partner’ on the event. But other societies’ members might be interested in your event – ask other societies to promote it and attend. AND do the same for them – establish relationships!
- Effective PROMOTION is the key to success
- Promote your event in advance – don’t just advertise it the day before!
- Make a Facebook event and invite all of your friends – even if you don’t think they’ll attend
- Add multiple co-hosts to grow your reach
- Have a catchy title and description
- Pay to PROMOTE your event – it is cheap but SO effective
- Share it in as many groups as possible to widen your audience.
So remember… TAKE PRIDE in what you do and HAVE A PURPOSE…. And you will ensure your Israel Engagement is EFFECTIVE.