Our People

Dovi Wieder

Shalom, my name is Dovi Wieder, and I am the new shaliach of the Jewish Agency to UJS, covering the Greater London area. I was born and raised in Bnei Brak, in the centre of Israel. In the National Service (Sherut Leumi) I served as a nurse assistant in a surgical ward at Beilinson Hospital, Petah-Tikva. I studied International relations and Geography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

(During my time as a student, I enjoyed exploring my Jewish identity in different programs such as Beit Midrash for human rights and Biet Midrash for social justice. I took part in a young-adults community of Ruach Chadasha (New Spirit) organization in the French-Hill neighbourhood where I lived. I believe student activism could be a process of Tikun Olam and personal growth, and I wish to support it in any way I can.)

As a student, I started working as a tour guide at the Tower of David, Museum of the history of Jerusalem. Later on, I became the marketing coordinator of educational tourism in the museum. Until today, Jerusalem is a huge passion in my life; I love learning and exploring this city of eternity and share its story with others.

I am excited to be part of the bridge between Jerusalem and London


J-Socs (Jewish Societies) I work with:
Campus sessions I can run: 

Matzah of Freedom - available in person

How did the Hebrews actually make the matzah in the Sinai desert? And why is the matzah - a poor man's bread (in Hebrew: Lechem oni לחם עוני) symbolizing the freedom of the people of Israel?

In this session, we will try to answer these questions along with a quick and simple recipe for Pita and Hummus.


Hebrew Cafe - available in person

We will create our own branch of Israeli Aroma Cafe and practice on special Hebrew vocabulary. We will make the ultimate Israeli breakfast dish, That Shakshuka with a delicious option for vegans as well.


General Allenby in Jerusalem - available in person and on Zoom

A general, a brigadier and a cook wanted to conquer Jerusalem in the middle of Hanukkah 1917. Who was the first to meet the Mayor of Jerusalem? Who got the letter of surrender? And who got a small Sefer Torah as a present? In this session, we will go behind the scenes of the most peaceful conquest of the city of eternity, and try to understand what made this event so mythical and iconic to the people of Jerusalem and the entire world. 


A Thousand Year Old Light - available in person and on Zoom

How did the Menorah become the ultimate Jewish symbol, found in every Jewish home and every synagogue? How did the Menorah roll into the emblem of Israel? And why does it appear in its Roman version and not its Jewish one?

In this session, we will take a journey behind one of the most significant Jewish symbols


→ Click here to see other sessions we provide


Contact me:

E: [email protected]

M: 07973 285 164


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