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Unearthing History: 1,900-Year-Old Roman Swords Reveal Secrets of Bar Kochba Revolt

Our 1,900-year-old Roman swords have been unearthed in a cave within the Judean Desert. Experts believe that these swords were likely taken by Jewish rebels during the Bar Kochba revolt and hidden in a narrow rock crevice.

The swords, including three Roman spatha swords and one ring-pommel sword, likely belonged to Roman soldiers but were taken and hidden by Judean rebels during the Bar Kochba revolt (132-135 CE) to evade capture.


The cave where the swords were discovered is well-known to archaeologists and contains an ancient Hebrew script inscription characteristic of the First Temple period. The find sheds light on the final moments of the Bar Kochba revolt, offering a unique glimpse into this historical period.




This discovery is part of a broader project conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority to survey more than 800 caves in the Judean Desert to locate and protect archaeological remains before they are looted. The desert's dry climate has preserved materials like leather and wood, which are rarely found in wetter regions of the country.

Overall, this remarkable find serves as a time capsule, offering a vivid connection to the past, specifically during a critical period of Jewish history.


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Der Judenstaat